Young Black Scholar Launches a Brand Focused on Inspiring Millennials to Live a Life on Purpose

by John Reid

Scholar, professor, and CEO of SIM EDU Consulting, Dr. Solomon Tention created a unique brand because of a passion to use his life’s story and the stories of others to inspire millennials to live imperfectly on purpose, evolve to their highest selves, contribute to surrounding communities, and to create the life they ultimately desire.

Solomon’s book The King in Me with a focus empowering men of color to discover who they are, and what they love and desire out of life. It is a tool that includes practical narratives and guides designed to help men of color discover their life’s purpose through self-exploration, healing, and personal development.

The King in Me series is based on his Solomon’s experience with discovering his own life’s purpose, and his coaching work with others who want to live their life with more purpose and passion. On July 30th, Solomon released his new book, Turn Down the Volume inspiring millennials to turn down the volume of insecurities, people, and beliefs about success to live life on purpose. His books can be found in hardback, ebook, and audiobook formats on Amazon.
He comments, “This moment is bigger than me, it’s about using my story and the stories of others to help inspire millennials by a millennial. I want to be a voice for others that inspires, encourages, and provides perspective. My prayer is that the content reminds millennials that despite what challenges they may have faced throughout their lives; they still have purpose.”

According to a study from Arizona Christian University, three-fourths or 75% of millennials are desperately seeking meaning and purpose in life. The Unfiltered Brand along with its offerings of books, podcasts, and other media content is designed to help millennials evolve to create the lives they were originally created to live.

Launched Summer 2021, the “The Solomon Tention Podcast” share strategies and explores questions about human experience and culture. “The Solomon Tention Podcast Unfiltered focuses on sharing stories of everyday individuals focused on inspiring millennials towards purpose.

Listeners can subscribe to the “The Solomon Tention Podcast” and “Solomon Tention Podcast Unfiltered” via the links below and both can be found on all major podcast streaming and download platforms including YouTube, Amazon, IHeart Radio, Audible, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and many more. New episodes on both podcasts will drop twice weekly as Solomon and his guests discusses various topics, and takes questions from listeners.

Solomon has dedicated his professional and entrepreneurial career to building ecosystems to help millennials, men of color, educators, and leaders thrive to experience holistic success.

Listen to episodes from the “The Solomon Tention Podcast” via iTune here. Subscribe to “The Solomon Tention Podcast Unfiltered” via YouTube here and listen to his new motivational album series, Unfiltered Album Vol 1 via Apple Music here.

Follow Solomon on Instagram @SolomonTention

To learn more about Solomon, stay connected, and learn more about his upcoming projects, please visit his official Linktr.

(Editor’s Note: This article first appeared in Black News.)


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