Women’s History Month: Dr. Mina Garrett-Scott

Dr. Mina Garrett-Scott has been practicing medicine for 18 years. Known in the community for her personal attention to each patient, it’s obvious that Dr. Garrett-Scott loves what she does. Recently, I sat down with Dr. Garrett-Scott to chat about her role in the medical community and to discuss Women’s History Month.

What do you love about what you do?

“I love the relationships I build with patients and their families. It is a privilege and a blessing to be allowed into lives to help them improve their health.” Dr. Garrett-Scott shared. She went onto say, “I love seeing moms, dads, kids, and grandparents and to savor the multigenerational relationships I have built over the years in Family Medicine.

In honor of Women’s History Month, who inspires you?

My sisterhood of doctors who I trained with who are mostly women of color and who passionately and compassionately care for our community, like Dr. Yvette Rooks and Dr. Michelle Fusilier. I’m also inspired by my elder grandmothers, Fannie Hunter, Yvonne Garrett, Martha Braxton, and my nanas Dorine Garrett and Rosie Watson, who taught me to never accept a NO from someone who doesn’t have the power to say yes! Last, my children inspire me. I need to leave them a better world than the one I was born into.”

What message would you leave to the next generation of women?

“We have found our voice and we need to keep fighting oppression, misogyny, sexism, racism, really all the “isms” in our society that keep us separate from each other and keep our society from positive growth and change. All of us have the important job of raising children who don’t believe in the “ism”. We must stand together at the ballot box, at the alter asking for God’s help and direction and hand in hand with each other, fighting oppression on this wave of social change. We are a powerful voice shaping the future of this great nation! Never lose your voice! Be encouraged and speak up!”

Dr. Mina Garrett-Scott currently a primary care physician at Herndon Family An Inova Partner in Herndon, Virginia.
