Vice Mayor Monaé Nickerson Appointed to Serve on National League of Cities’ Public Safety and Crime Prevention Committee

WASHINGTON, DC — Monaé Nickerson, Vice Mayor of Dumfries, VA, has been appointed to the National League of Cities (NLC) 2023 Public Safety and Crime Prevention (PSCP) federal advocacy committee. Vice Mayor Nickerson was elected to a one-year term and will provide
strategic direction and guidance for NLC’s federal advocacy agenda and policy priorities on public safety issues, including law enforcement, municipal fire prevention, natural disaster preparedness, and homeland security. The appointment was announced by NLC President Mayor Victoria Woodards of Tacoma, Washington.

“I am privileged to represent my Dumfries community on a national level. My appointment to the Public Safety and Crime Prevention Federal Advocacy Committee aligns with my demonstrated commitment to our Town to work on and off the Dias to proactively create better policies and build better relationships between law enforcement and our communities. To that end, I am looking forward to working with others on the committee to help create legislation for a system that ensures a balance of sensitivity, authority, and accountability. I also look forward to focusing on issues that specifically affect the communities I serve, and right now, the main topic is violence – and how we address it systemically,” said Vice Mayor Nickerson on her appointment.

As a member of NLC’s PSCP committee, Vice Mayor Nickerson will play a key role in shaping NLC’s policy positions and advocate on behalf of America’s cities, towns, and villages before Congress, with the administration, and at home.

“NLC’s federal advocacy committees are a key tool for gathering insights directly from the communities that our members serve,” said NLC President Mayor Victoria Woodards of Tacoma, Washington. “I am excited to have Vice Mayor Nickerson serve on the NLC PSCP
committee and look forward to working with her to ensure every city, town and village in this nation has the resources they need to thrive.”

The leadership of this year’s committee will consist of Chair Ras J. Baraka, Mayor, City of Newark, NJ; Vice Chair Rhonda Jerome, Council Member, City of North Charleston, SC; and Vice Chair Brian Kazy, Council Member, City of Cleveland, OH.

For more information on NLC’s federal advocacy committees, visit:


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