VA Dems release statement on Senate Republicans Blocking Right to Contraception Act

DPVA Chairwoman Susan Swecker shared the following statement after Senate Republicans blocked the Right to Contraception Act:

“Access to birth control should not be a debate in 2024. But it is because of MAGA Republicans’ extreme agenda. Just as Glenn Youngkin showed us in May when he vetoed Virginia’s Right to Contraception Act, Senate Republicans proved to us again today that they do not care about women’s health. They want women in 2024 to live with the laws and the rights of 1824. Access to abortion and birth control are on the ballot in November.”

Earlier today, the Senate voted not to advance a bill which would create a federal right to access contraception. The procedural measure, which required 60 votes to pass, failed as all but two Republicans present voted against it. Had it passed, it would have prevented states from passing laws which limit access to contraception.

Prior to the vote, Senator Edward Markey (D-Mass) held a press conference outside of the U.S. Capitol Building.

(Credit to Bert Shepherd for the photos.)


Meet the Woman Whose Program Helps Black-Owned Businesses Get Government Contracts

Lori Smith, Founder and CEO of Acu-Elligent LLC, a leading Black-owned business coaching and management consulting firm, has launched a program to help other Black entrepreneurs get access to federal government contracts. Based in Savannah, Georgia, Lori brings over 41 years of invaluable experience in federal service to this groundbreaking initiative. “Our goal with GovCon Revenue […]