Tracy Blake releases statement on overcoming his record

by John Reid

Last week, records from the Virginia Court Case Information website were posted on several Facebook groups. The records were related to Neabsco School District Board candidate Tracy Blake, stemming from 2006 – 2015. Some of the records that he pleaded guilty to include misdemeanor marijuana possession, carrying a concealed weapon, and driving on a revoked driver’s license.

Blake, who has received the endorsement of the Prince William County Democratic Committee, did not respond to the posts online. Instead, he released a statement earlier today, addressing these records.

“My journey has been one of growth and transformation,” he wrote. “Over a decade ago, I faced challenges that have shaped the person I am today, and I am proud of the work I am doing now for the children and families of the Neabsco district.”

He continued with, “We all evolve over time, and I am no exception. Are you the same person you were 10 years ago? I believe in the power of change and the importance of learning from our past experiences.”

The father of three goes on to talk about the challenges of facing systemic racism. “As a Black man in America, I faced racial profiling and oppression as a result. Like many Black Men I know first-hand what it feels like to be harassed by the police and pushed into a box called “rejected.”

“Thankfully,” he continued, “many Democratic lawmakers heard the cries of thousands of wrongfully arrested individuals and reversed racist laws designed to oppress Black and brown people. Unfortunately, many of us still have to prove ourselves, defend ourselves even though the law has changed its view. But as a community advocate and parent I am willing to be the person to stand up for all the people who have been victims of racism and misunderstood based on cultural biases.”

Blake, who graduated from Lincoln University of Missouri and later George Mason University, is seeking to replace Diane Raulston. In 2019, he worked for Raulston’s campaign. He goes on state that in spite of his record, his running for office should be viewed as an opportunity to overcome challenges.

“What message are we sending to our children if we tell them they cannot achieve their dreams because of a past mistake,” he asked. “We must break the cycle of negativity and encourage them to rise above their challenges.”

Since the post, there have been comments questioning how he received the endorsement despite his record. His opponent in the race is Padreus Pratter. The PW Perspective reached out to the Pratter campaign for a response but was informed that he was meeting with voters at the time.


The Road to Richmond: George Mason University Students Prepare for Mason Lobbies

by Zayd Hamid As the Virginia General Assembly session progresses, George Mason University students are preparing for their annual advocacy day to Richmond on February 12th. Since 2013, they have met with legislators to share their higher education experiences in support of GMU’s priorities. Kaylee Fernandez, the lead student organizer for Mason Lobbies 2025, underscores […]