Tim Cox Wins District 51 Republican Primary

Though the statewide Republican nominations were decided at a closed convention in May, some districts chose to have an open primary for Republican nominations for the House of Delegates. Tim Cox emerged the winner of the Republican primary in district 51.

Cox competed against Jeff Dove, a former candidate for Congress in the 11th district in 2018 and the 10th district in 2020. Cox, who is considered the more conservative of the two, ran on a platform centered around “faith”, “family”, and “freedom”, and he has been endorsed by controversial leaders such as former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli and Supervisor Jeanine Lawson (R-Brentsville).

A member of the U.S. Navy Reserve, Cox has lived in Woodbridge for almost five years.

Cox will face off against Democratic nominee Briana Sewell in the November general election.

To learn more about Cox, visit his website at: https://timcoxforvirginia.com/


Meet the Candidates: Prospective Democratic Lieutenant Governors Engage with Fairfax

by Zayd Hamid, Contributing Writer On March 6th, Fairfax City Hall hosted several Democratic candidates for lieutenant governor for a forum. Prosecutor Victor Salgado, State Senator Aaron Rouse, Prince William County School Board Chair Babur Lateef, State Senator Ghazala Hashmi, and former Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney gave remarks to several dozen attendees. The first to […]