“The New Drug Talk” Virtual Viewing and Panel Discussion

National Fentanyl Awareness Day is a day of action for community members to come together to ensure we understand the risks of fentanyl, educate their family and friends, and learn how to take steps to prevent overdose deaths. Join other community members in learning more about fentanyl and its harmful effects.

The fentanyl crisis impacts all of us, and it is important to know the facts so we can keep our loved ones safe. Prince William Community Services and the Prevention Coalition of Greater Prince William are hosting two virtual sessions featuring the 25-minute educational video called The New Drug Talk. Produced by parents who’ve endured the profound loss of children to fentanyl poisoning, The New Drug Talk, provides factual information and practical tools you can share with your friends and families.

Join other community members in learning more about fentanyl and how to be part of the solution of saving lives. The event will include a virtual viewing of The New Drug Talk video and a panel discussion with local experts. Interested community members can register for one of the following The New Drug Talk events:

Tuesday, May 7from 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Monday, May 13from 7 – 8:30 p.m.

Register at: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUpde6pqDspHNNcx5xEXqZ0b82IXRkLuN_k

For more information contact Heather Martinsen at 703-792-7739 or email csbhwteam@pwcgov.org.
