Team FanSwap Introduces Sockmas for the Holidays
Last month, the PW Perspective showcased Team FanSwap and the innovative ways they are impacting the local Prince William County communities. Leading up to Thanksgiving they gave back by bringing the ‘Bless Up Truck’ at Manassas Mall to serve food for families in need. Now that the Christmas holiday is here they are doing an extraordinary service through recognizing a need that is often ignored, and it’s called Sockmas.
Created by one of Team FanSwap’s leaders Dre Stokes, socks are the least donated items to shelters, and with the weather getting colder by the day, many who live in shelters need them to remain warm. Below is the flyer with the details.

The socks and diapers can be donated in all sizes and brands welcomed. For those who would like to provide gift cards, visit their GoFundMe page. The cards will be provided to teenagers throughout the area.
For more information on Team FanSwap, visit their Instagram page here.