Discrepancies in Discipline: Disproportionate Punishment of Students of Color in PWCS

Editor’s Note: This article has been updated to include a recent statement Back to school time this fall looks very different from most years. Prince William County’s students ‘returned’ to school virtually due to the coronavirus pandemic. Simultaneously, school administrators locally, and nationally, must respond to the ongoing racial uprising, over the ways public schools […]

At Last, PWCS Teachers and Staff Have Their Voices Heard

Earlier this week, the PW Perspective discussed how the Phase 3 proposed plan for re-opening the Prince William County Public Schools in Fall of 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic was not the most protective plan of its staff and students. Wednesday night at the Edward L. Kelly Leadership Center in Manassas, hundreds of supporters came […]

Immigrant Students Face Uncertain Future After ICE Ruling

On Monday Immigration and Customs Enforcement put out a press release stating that there will be adjustments to the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) for the Fall 2020 semester. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students that are on either an F-1 or M-1 visa cannot take a full online course load and remain in […]

Governor Northam Announces Education Work Group to Guide Process of Reopening Schools

Governor Ralph Northam today announced a diverse set of education stakeholders participating in the Commonwealth’s COVID-19 Education Work Group to help chart a path forward for determining how schools can safely reopen later this year. The group is comprised of representatives from Virginia’s public and private early childhood, K-12, and higher education systems, and includes […]