Protest.  Pray.  Work.

by Jennifer Roberts Yesterday, I thought about the sequence of events that generally happen after racially motivated acts of violence like the ones committed last weekend in Buffalo, New York and Laguna Woods, California.  When these despicable hate crimes are committed, some people are filled with a range of emotions that motivate them to take […]

Editorial: We need more anti-racist media

As Dr. Angela Davis famously said, “In a racist society it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist.”  The PW Perspective is the only anti-racist news publication in Northern Virginia. Out of dozens that publish online or in print, we are the only one that is willing to proudly proclaim that we […]

Haymarket to host a Black Lives Matter rally on June 12

Throughout the past few weeks, the Northern Virginia area has become an epicenter of protests for change. Whether it was in Manassas, Dumfries and more recently Montclair, people are letting their voices be heard as the globe is standing up for racial justice after the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Aubrey. Tomorrow […]

Where Do We Go From Here?

Earlier this week I had the opportunity to host a forum with several leaders in the black and brown communities about what has led to the division in this country, as well as the resulting protests. It was an incredible two nights of open discussion as to what the community can and should do going […]