Governor Ralph Northam Endorses Terry McAuliffe in Gubernatorial Race

Governor Ralph Northam announced Thursday that he is endorsing his predecessor Former Governor Terry McAuliffe in the Virginia Gubernatorial race. Northam is unable to seek reelection due to the Virginia Consitution, which dictates that a governor cannot serve two consecutive terms. He announced his support for McAuliffe saying that the former governor’s previous experience in […]

Northam Administration Releases Second Report on Systemic Bias in Virginia Law

Governor Ralph Northam on Wednesday announced that his Commission to Examine Racial Inequity in the Law issued its second report outlining policy recommendations to confront the impacts of discriminatory laws.  Many of these recommendations are already reflected in Northam’s current legislative priorities, including measures to restore voting rights, invest in education, and expand expungements of […]

Governor Northam Commits Additional $20 Million to Rebuild VA Economic Recovery Fund

Funding will fulfill pending grant awards for over 300 eligible small businesses and nonprofit organizations. Businesses who have felt the economic pain are finally getting some relief as 2020 comes to a close. Yesterday Governor Ralph Northam allocated an additional $20 million in federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding to the Rebuild […]

A Bad Day for the Confederacy

The Fairfax County school board voted unanimously on Thursday evening to rename Robert E. Lee High School in Springfield, Virginia, after the late Civil Rights icon Congressman John Lewis. The new name, which was advocated for by members of the Fairfax NAACP Chapter, will take effect with the start of the upcoming school year. Other […]

Governor Northam Commemorates Pride Month as New Laws Advancing LGBTQ+ Rights Take Effect in Virginia

Back in April Virginia became the first Southern state to enact comprehensive anti-discrimination measures for the LGBTQ+ community via Senate Bill 868, known as the Virginia Values Act. Governor Ralph Northam is commemorating Pride Month in Virginia as sweeping new laws to expand rights and protections for LQBTQ+ individuals take effect on July 1. At […]

Governor Northam to Make Juneteenth a State Holiday

Governor Ralph Northam announced on Tuesday that he intends to mark Juneteenth as a permanent paid state holiday, starting by giving state employees a day off this Friday, June 19. Juneteenth is the oldest known commemoration of the end of slavery in the United States, and it is usually noted in Virginia with a Proclamation. […]

Editorial: The South Will Fall Again

The Civil War ended over one-hundred-fifty years ago. It’s time for those who are still fighting for their dead cause to finally surrender.  This week has seen not one or two, but three crushing blows to the racist cause of the Confederacy. First, Governor Northam brought down the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee […]

Governor Northam Announces More Than $95 Million in Grants to State and Local Criminal Justice Programs

Governor Ralph Northam today announced the award of more than $95 million in federal grant funding to 229 localities, nonprofit organizations, and state agencies throughout Virginia to support state and local criminal justice programs. The Criminal Justice Services Board of the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) approved these grants during its May 21 […]