Democratic gubernatorial candidates respond to Youngkin nomination

Yesterday the Republican Party of Virginia announced that businessman Glenn Youngkin, a first-time candidate, secured the Republican nomination for governor in the 2021 election. This came after a contentious voting convention that began this past weekend among seven candidates. Two of his potential opponents in the general election, Democratic candidates former Delegate Jennifer Carroll Foy (D-2) […]

McClellan Releases Statement on Ending Qualified Immunity

Today, gubernatorial candidate Senator Jennifer McClellan (D-Richmond) released the following statement committing to fight for an end to qualified immunity in Virginia as Governor and calling for substantive accountability and transparency in law enforcement. This comes on the heels of the December 5th incident in which Caron Narazio, a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army, […]

McClellan Domestic Workers Bill of Rights and HIV Modernization Bills Signed Into Law

Today, Senator Jennifer McClellan’s (D-Richmond) Domestic Workers Bill of Rights (SB1310) and HIV Law Modernization bill (SB 1138) were signed into law by Governor Ralph Northam. The bills will protect domestic workers from discrimination and harassment, and reform outdated and ineffective 1980s-era laws that criminalize HIV. These bills are among the ten McClellan bills that […]

McClellan Issues Statement on Governor Northam’s Marijuana Amendments

Today, Senator Jennifer McClellan (D-Richmond) released the following statement in response to the amendments Governor Ralph Northam has introduced to legislation legalizing the simple possession of marijuana. In 2021, McClellan introduced an amendment to the current Senate marijuana bill to legalize the possession of recreational marijuana in Virginia by this summer.  “Repealing the prohibition on […]

Senator McClellan addresses Affordable Care Act

McClellan led the passage of the Virginia Health Benefit Exchange under the Affordable Care Act Today, candidate for governor Senator Jennifer McClellan (D-Richmond) released a statement on the 11 year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act. McClellan was chief patron of SB 737, the bill that created the Virginia state-based health care exchange under the […]

Care In Action Advocates for Domestic Workers Rights

Domestic workers are the foundation of this nation, it is through their tireless work that keeps businesses and communities functioning. However, they are among the least protected when it comes to receiving benefits and having the right to paid sick leave. Fortunately, there are organizations such as Care In Action who are dedicated to fighting […]

McClellan Calls for Increased Public Education Investment

Comprehensive K-12 policy plan to ensure every Virginia student has access to high-quality public education Today, candidate for governor Senator Jennifer McClellan (D-Richmond) announced her K-12 Equitable Education and Investment Plan, calling for a historic $2.3 billion-per-year investment in schools and critical equity policies to ensure every student has equal access to a high quality […]