Governor Northam Releases Report on Marijuana Legalization

Community-driven report reflects recommendations of the Virginia Marijuana Legalization Work Group Today, Governor Ralph Northam released his administration’s report on the impact of legalizing adult-use marijuana in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The report highlights the recommendations set forth by the Virginia Marijuana Legalization Work Group, a diverse, stakeholder-driven process that included community leaders, healthcare professionals, policy experts, and […]

A Bad Day for the Confederacy

The Fairfax County school board voted unanimously on Thursday evening to rename Robert E. Lee High School in Springfield, Virginia, after the late Civil Rights icon Congressman John Lewis. The new name, which was advocated for by members of the Fairfax NAACP Chapter, will take effect with the start of the upcoming school year. Other […]

Governor Northam Ceremonially Signs Gun Safety Legislation

Governor Ralph Northam celebrated passage of historic gun safety laws in the Commonwealth of Virginia on Thursday. The new legislation that was ceremonially signed includes sweeping new measures to require background checks on all gun sales, establish an Extreme Risk Protective Order, reinstate Virginia’s successful one-handgun-a-month policy, mandate reporting of lost and stolen firearms, and […]

Governor Northam Commemorates Pride Month as New Laws Advancing LGBTQ+ Rights Take Effect in Virginia

Back in April Virginia became the first Southern state to enact comprehensive anti-discrimination measures for the LGBTQ+ community via Senate Bill 868, known as the Virginia Values Act. Governor Ralph Northam is commemorating Pride Month in Virginia as sweeping new laws to expand rights and protections for LQBTQ+ individuals take effect on July 1. At […]

Editorial: The South Will Fall Again

The Civil War ended over one-hundred-fifty years ago. It’s time for those who are still fighting for their dead cause to finally surrender.  This week has seen not one or two, but three crushing blows to the racist cause of the Confederacy. First, Governor Northam brought down the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee […]