Sponsored Post: We need to hold the gun industry accountable

For too long, gun manufacturers have been able to flood our communities with guns and get away with no consequences. They’ve spent more than 20 years resisting any efforts at transparency and accountability—even as their greed destroys lives across the country.

And in those 20 years, the majority of their “innovations” have been to make guns more lethal or find new ways to circumvent existing gun laws.

Last week in a congressional hearing, gun industry CEOs admitted to some rather shocking things under oath.

The CEO of Daniel Defense, Marty Daniel, said that getting kids interested in guns is good for the bottomline of gun companies.

Meanwhile, Christopher Killoy, the CEO of Ruger, said they do not track crimes committed with their guns, arguing that it’s not their job to do so and claiming they don’t have the resources.

These are the same gun manufacturers that rake in millions every year and face no consequences for their role in enabling violence. It’s time to change that.

It does not have to be this way.

We can break the status quo and demand gun manufacturers do more to prevent guns from getting into the criminal market, innovate towards safer products, and reform their predatory marketing tactics.

Gun manufacturers can help prevent gun violence and make our communities safer. We need to demand they do exactly that.

Sign the petition to let us know you’re ready to hold the gun industry accountable.
