Potomac Democrats call for a boycott on July 4th

On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, thereby allowing the 13 colonies to sever their political connections to Great Britian. The document summarized the colonists’ motivations for seeking independence from their oppressors.

Now, in the wake of last Friday’s decision by the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, the question should be asked: will Americans begin to declare their own independence by refusing to celebrate what is considered the country’s official birth?

Since the announcement, there have been several riots, protests, and on the local level a Fox News report that Governor Glenn Youngkin laying out a plan that would ban abortions in the commonwealth after the 15th week of pregnancy. However, he did concede that it would more likely be 20 weeks given the Democratic congressional control. With that being on the table, many organizations who are not in agreement with the SCOTUS decision have spoken, and today the Potomac Democrats urged for there to be a complete boycott of Monday’s festivities with the following message:

“Join Potomac Dems in showing our legislators and candidates that we will not stand for the serious setback to human rights for child-bearing people in America. Boycott the 4th!”

“Refrain from watching fireworks this year, due to a lack of independence and freedom for a great number of Americans. If you are attending a 4th of July event, turn your chair around or turn around on your blanket when the fireworks start. If that is not possible, wear a blindfold during the fireworks show. If you are not attending a 4th of July event, put your chair or blanket in front of your home to show your support.”

“Show our legislators how many people will vote them out if they do not take action to restore our rights, permanently #BoycottThe4th!”

Already on a holiday in which many minorities feel excluded to begin with, whether there will be a paradigm shift by other Americans remains to be seen.
