School Board Chair-At-Large Candidates Forum Webinar to take place next Monday

by John Reid

The Prince William Committee of 100 will host a virtual webinar next Monday, September 11 at 7:00pm for the School Board Chair-At-Large Candidates Forum.

Candidates Caroline M. “Carrie” Rist, Babur B. Lateef (Incumbent) and Kimberly B. Mehlman-Orozco answer questions about their goals for the office of Chair-At-Large of the Prince William County School Board. Questions have been submitted by the PWC100 members and reviewed for accuracy, redundancy and format by the PWC100 Questions Committee. Each candidate will be given an opportunity to respond to each question asked by the moderator.

The moderator, Jill Palmero, Managing Editor of Prince William Times, will receive the selected questions before the Webinar begins and will ask them of the candidates.

For those who would like to submit their questions to the candidates, please submit them to the Committee by 10AM Saturday morning. They can be sent to Secretary Sherry Zachry via the questions link.

Below is the link to each candidate profile.

Chair Babur Lateef, M.D. website.

Caroline M. “Carrie” Rist website.

Kim Mehlman-Orozco, PH.D. website.

For those who would like to join the webinar, the details are below:

When: Sep 11, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Topic: PWC School Board Chair-At-Large Candidates’ Forum

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Passcode: 125105

Or One tap mobile :

+19292056099,,87814524865#,,,,*125105# US (New York)

+13017158592,,87814524865#,,,,*125105# US (Washington DC)


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