PWCS School Board Approves Strategic Plan

On Wednesday, during its regularly scheduled meeting, the Prince William County School Board approved the Vision 2025 Launching Thriving Futures Strategic Plan. It is based on four commitments: Learning and Achievement for All, Positive Climate and Culture, Family and Community Engagement, and Organizational Coherence. The Plan also includes a “Profile of a Graduate” built on the Division’s collective vision for PWCS students.

Superintendent Dr. LaTanya McDade released the following statement in regards to the profile. “It is our collective vision that every student will graduate on-time with the knowledge, skills, and habits of mind necessary to create a thriving future for themselves and their community.”

Besides the approval of the plan, McDade proposed FY 2023 Budget, which gives teachers & staff a 4.2% cost-of-living adjustment as well as a step increase, resulting in an average pay increase of 7% for most employees.

Details of the plan are located here, which highlights performance data metrics and provides information on demographics.


Va. community colleges end diversity, equity and inclusion practices

by Nathaniel Cline, Virginia Mercury Virginia’s 23 community colleges will be required to ensure all of their programs and practices comply with federal regulations to ensure everyone is treated fairly and equally, ending policies that promote diversity, equity and inclusion. The decision by the Virginia Community College System’s State Board is in response to President […]

Mason Lobbies 2025: The Importance of Student Advocacy

By: Zayd Hamid, contributing writer for the PW Perspective For the twelfth consecutive year, George Mason University students met with Virginia legislators to advocate for their and their university’s budget priorities. Mason Lobbies 2025 occurred on February 12th, but due to weather complications, it happened virtually rather than in Richmond. Despite the weather complications, George […]