PWCDC Latino Caucus issues statement on Laken-Riley Act
by John Reid
A few days ago, the House passed H.R. 7511, the Laken Riley Act. It is the first policy legislation passed by the new Congress, and would require Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to arrest, detain and deport illegal immigrants who commit theft, burglary, larceny or shoplifting. The legislation is named for Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student who was murdered by an undocumented Venezuelan immigrant last year while jogging at the University of Georgia in Athens.
While the act is aimed at addressing the issue of immigration, many organizations have opposed the act, from the National Immigration Law Center, to the Prince William Democratic Latino Caucus. The caucus president, Carmen Rodriguez, posted the following on the caucus’ Facebook page:
The Laken Riley Act is a dangerous bill that threatens our justice system, undermines due process, and disproportionately harms immigrant communities. If passed, this bill would:
• Expand mandatory detention without a bond hearing, even for individuals arrested on minor charges, risking the prolonged detention of innocent people.
• Worsen racial disparities in the criminal justice system, as Black and Brown communities are disproportionately arrested.
• Place unnecessary burdens on taxpayers and law enforcement by expanding detention for people who aren’t a threat to public safety or a flight risk.
This bill doesn’t improve public safety—it fuels harmful rhetoric that could increase harassment and hate-based violence against immigrants and people of color. We cannot allow this to pass.
What You Can Do
Contact Senator Mark Warner:
• Call Senator Warner: (202) 224-2023
• Write to Senator Warner’s staff at: and or use this
contact form:
Suggested Message:
“I urge you to vote NO on the Laken Riley Act. This bill strips due process rights, risks the detention of innocent people, and disproportionately harms Black and Brown communities. It will also place an unnecessary financial burden on taxpayers by expanding detention. Please stand up for justice and oppose this bill.”
Contact Senator Tim Kaine
• Call Senator Kaine: (202) 224-4024
• Write to Senator Kaine staff at: and or use this
contact form:
Suggested Message:
“I urge you to vote NO on the Laken Riley Act. This bill would deny individuals facing immigration charges a fair hearing and could result in the prolonged detention of innocent people. It disproportionately affects Black and Brown communities and creates a financial burden on taxpayers. Please oppose this bill.”
Why Your Voice Matters:
The Laken Riley Act would exacerbate racial profiling, harm immigrant communities, and push policies that threaten due process. It’s time to stand up for justice.
Take action NOW!
Reach out to Senators Warner and Kaine and urge them to vote NO. Together, we can protect our communities and uphold our rights. Let’s make our voices heard!”
#VoteNoOnLakenRileyAct #JusticeForAll #ProtectDueProcess #StandUpForImmigrants