PW Digital Gateway recommended for approval by county officials

They cleared the next step in the Prince William Digital Gateway when the PWC planning staff sent a recommendation to the Board of County Supervisors that the proposed comprehensive plan be approved. This would prepare for the design of the data centers in the western end of the county, which has been the subject of much debate between conservationists and those who support the land-use projects.

According to the staff report, which was released on Friday, September 2, proposes that over 2100 acres would be designated for technological facilities, parks and recreation, county historical sites, and environmental resource overlay. It would cause about 5,048 jobs. There will be a public hearing on September 14th at the County Complex Center at 7pm, but only for the comprehensive plan. If they approve the plan, it would more than likely pave the way for the re-zonings to be approved as well.

In addition to the economic boost it would provide the county, it would also reduce the commute for PWC citizens, which has been an area of contention for decades. Mary Ann Ghadban, who has been one of the most vocal supporters of the gateway, released the following statement to the PW Perspective:

“This is the greatest economic and public benefit opportunity in the history of Prince William County. It will transform our county to a high-tech capital and offer all our residents’ better jobs, schools and a pathway to the middle class. It will create funding for affordable housing, mental health crisis initiatives, and allow PWC to be competitive in salaries for teachers, policemen, and firefighters. I’m proud to be a part of this great opportunity.”

For more information on the PW Digital Gateway, visit their website.


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