Prince William County School Board Establishes Progressive Change

Earlier this week the Prince William County School Board passed historic climate legislation. The passing of Action 21.02 not only officially recognizes the threat of climate change but focuses on developing netzero schools and replacing fossil fuel buses with electric buses among other changes. In addition to the climate resolution, two other resolutions were unanimously passed by the board which will lead to monumental change going forward.

The first was Action 21.03, which is the LGBTQ+ Pride Proclamation, states as follows: “Prince William County Public Schools share in the belief that diversity is our greatest strength.” Motioned by Brentsville District School Board Member Adele Jackson, this is the first time that PWCPS has formally recognized Pride Month in honor of all PWCS Students and Staff. Its importance is that it will lead to greater protections for students and staff, as the Board of County Supervisors have declared Prince William County a hate-free and bigot-free zone. By making this declaration, it will allow the LGBTQ+ community to live in communities that are free from discrimination. As discussed in the past, there has been an increase in abuse cases among the LGBTQ+ community, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown.  

Another important legislation that was unanimously passed was Action 21.04. This is the Approval of Resolution Condemning Racism and Commitment to Inclusion. Motioned by Woodbridge District School Board Member Loree Williams, this confirms the School Division’s commitment to provide an inclusive environment for all PWCPS Students and Staff. What makes this especially important is that in a time of great social upheaval in the wake of George Floyd’s murder on May 25, there is a greater call for change in society for protective rights of all minorities, and this is especially so within the academic environment.

As these legislations are being passed, what is important to note is that there was no opposition among the board when it came to voting. This is significant progress within Prince William County and the result of years of concerned citizens who mobilized as well as organized their efforts towards ensuring that future generations are protected. Now, students attending schools will be able to learn in not only an environmentally friendly structure, but the silenced minority children can feel safe as they grow in their academic career. In addition, it was the result of a school board who understood the winds of change and with a sensitivity towards both the present and future, set the tone that will establish Prince William County Public Schools as the gold standard for all communities.



Va. community colleges end diversity, equity and inclusion practices

by Nathaniel Cline, Virginia Mercury Virginia’s 23 community colleges will be required to ensure all of their programs and practices comply with federal regulations to ensure everyone is treated fairly and equally, ending policies that promote diversity, equity and inclusion. The decision by the Virginia Community College System’s State Board is in response to President […]

Mason Lobbies 2025: The Importance of Student Advocacy

By: Zayd Hamid, contributing writer for the PW Perspective For the twelfth consecutive year, George Mason University students met with Virginia legislators to advocate for their and their university’s budget priorities. Mason Lobbies 2025 occurred on February 12th, but due to weather complications, it happened virtually rather than in Richmond. Despite the weather complications, George […]