Prince William County Parks and NOVA Disc Golf Association Celebrate Opening of New Forest Greens Disc Golf Course

On Saturday, community members, area disc golfers, volunteers, staff and leaders from both Prince William County Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism, and NOVA Disc Golf Association who were involved with making the new disc golf course a reality, gathered for the official ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Forest Valley Disc Golf course.  The new 18-hole course, lauded to be “the best woods course” in the area and perhaps the Mid-Atlantic, is located at Forest Greens Golf Club in Triangle, Virginia.

“I am so excited that this day is here! I’ve got disc golf in my district, and I am so excited about that,” said Potomac District Supervisor, Andrea O. Bailey. “It is so important—the exercise, the recreation for the body, for the mind, for the spirit. And this will also open the world for more people to learn about disc golf.”

DPRT Deputy Director, Janet Bartnik, M.S., CPRP, was on hand to welcome everyone and kick off the ceremony.

“We are really excited to ribbon-cut this amazing project that is as everything in Parks should be—a partnership project,” said Bartnik, as she thanked the NOVA Disc Golf Association for all their efforts and hard work, along with the Board of County Supervisors for their speedy approval of the project.

Thanks to the NOVA Disc Golf Association, Prince William County is now home to two disc golf courses, one in Lake Ridge and now one in Triangle, Virginia.

“When we began this project five years ago there was no publicly accessible disc golf course in Prince William County,” said Mike Sullivan, treasurer and co-founder of NOVA Disc Golf Association, an all-volunteer nonprofit. “When we first talked in 2018 to Prince William County Parks, they agreed that this was a recreational opportunity that needed to be built out, that this was a user base that needed a place to play and now along with the course at Lake Ridge we now have two absolutely fantastic courses and in this one, in my opinion, the best woods course in Virginia and probably in the Mid-Atlantic, right here in Prince William County.

For photos from the ribbon-cutting ceremony, please visit the PWCVA Gov Facebook page. For those interested in playing at the course, please call or visit the clubhouse onsite at Forest Greens Golf Club.


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