Prince William County Government to Hold COVID-19 Virtual Town Hal

Prince William County, VA – April 8, 2020…  Prince William County Government is holding a virtual town hall to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic and answer residents’ questions.

The town hall will take place on Monday, April 13, 2020, from 5-6 p.m.

Prince William County Executive Christopher Martino, Board of Supervisors Chair Ann Wheeler and Prince William Health District Director Dr. Alison Ansher will participate in the event.

“Holding this virtual town hall is a way to interact with the public and share information while continuing to follow social distancing best practices,” says Ann Wheeler, Chair of the Prince William Board of County Supervisors.

Those interested in attending the virtual town hall should register ahead of time at Registrants will receive an online link to watch the event and may submit questions during the town hall. Registration is limited to 500 people, however the event will also be streamed live on InsideNoVa’s Facebook page.

For more information about the county’s response to COVID-19, visit or text COVIDPWC to 888777


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