Prince William Board of County Supervisors Hold Public Hearing on Dec. 21 for Redistricting Ordinance

The Prince William Board of County Supervisors will hold a public hearing and adopt the county’s redistricting ordinance on Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2021, at 7:30 p.m. in the Board Chambers of the James J. McCoart Administration Building. The public may view the map, which addresses the growth in the county while adhering to legal redistricting requirements and the Board’s redistricting criteria, as well as the corresponding material on the county’s website at Those wishing to provide comments regarding the map are invited to attend the public hearing on Dec. 21. Comments may also be shared online at, which will be provided to the Board prior to the public hearing.

The Constitution of Virginia requires the Board of County Supervisors to change its district boundaries every 10 years in the year ending in one using the most recent decennial population figures. Therefore, the Board is required to adopt a redistricting ordinance in 2021. This ordinance must include boundary lines for the magisterial districts, as well as election precincts and polling places.

Based on the Code of Virginia, precincts must be wholly located within local, state, and congressional election boundaries. The Supreme Court of Virginia is responsible for redistricting the state and congressional boundaries, which is not expected to be complete before the date of the county’s public hearing. Therefore, the precincts in the proposed map are based on the proposed local election boundaries and the current state and congressional boundaries. Once the court adopts new state and congressional boundaries, the county will have to reprecinct again in early 2022 to ensure that precincts are wholly located within all election boundaries.

To find out more about the county’s redistricting process, visit


GOP immigration bills crushed in Virginia Senate committee

by Markus Schmidt, Virginia Mercury A Democratic-controlled Senate panel on Monday swiftly blocked multiple Republican-backed measures aimed at tightening immigration enforcement in Virginia, dealing a blow to GOP efforts just one day before the General Assembly’s legislative midpoint. The Senate Courts of Justice Committee voted to kill three proposals that would have expanded immigration status […]