Primary Elections Kick off with Early, Absentee and In-Person Voting on Election Day

Primary elections for local offices will be held on Tuesday, June 20, and there are a number of ways people can vote.

In-Person Early Voting:

Voters may vote at the following early voting locations:

  • The Office of Elections at 9250 Lee Avenue, Suite 1 in Manassas.
  • The Ferlazzo Building at 15941 Donald Curtis Drive in Woodbridge.
  • The Haymarket-Gainesville Library at 14870 Lightner Road in Haymarket.

Early voting locations are open 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. on weekdays. Saturday hours are on June 10 and June 17, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Early voters must show identification found on the Acceptable IDs List.

Curbside voting is available at all in-person voting locations for seniors and voters with disabilities.

Voting on Election Day:

Virginia law requires all voters to provide an acceptable form of identification at the polls. Photo identification is no longer required, but identification must be included on the Acceptable IDs List. Voters arriving at the polls without suitable identification will be required to either sign an ID Confirmation Statement or vote a provisional ballot.

Polling places will be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Voters should go to their assigned polling places, which can be found on the state elections website at Call 703-792-6470  for assistance.

Absentee Voting:

The deadline to request a ballot be mailed is Friday, June 9, by 5 p.m. Ballots that have been mailed out can be mailed back if postmarked by Tuesday, June 20, and received in the Office of Elections by noon on Friday, June 23. The ballots can also be returned by the voter and placed in the available drop boxes during early voting sites or at all precincts and the main office on Election Day.

Same Day Registration:

Voters can now register and vote on the same day. Voters should ask to complete the Same-Day Registration when they check in at an early voting site or their regular polling place. Same-day voters will also cast a provisional ballot that will be reviewed after Election Day by the Electoral Board.

More information about elections in Prince William County, along with sample ballots, can be found at

(The preceding article was by the Prince William County Government Communications Department.)


GOP immigration bills crushed in Virginia Senate committee

by Markus Schmidt, Virginia Mercury A Democratic-controlled Senate panel on Monday swiftly blocked multiple Republican-backed measures aimed at tightening immigration enforcement in Virginia, dealing a blow to GOP efforts just one day before the General Assembly’s legislative midpoint. The Senate Courts of Justice Committee voted to kill three proposals that would have expanded immigration status […]