Can Ordinance 17-42 be changed?

Back in 2017, the Prince William County Board of Supervisors approved ordinance 17-42, which states: “The discharging, in any park, of any firearm, air gun, gas gun, spring operated gun, BB gun, slingshot, dart device or bow and arrow is prohibited.” Any violation of this is classified as a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Lately, at local recreation parks, there have been more reports of gun holders bringing their weapons to the games, which, while legal under Virginia law, has created some anxiety among parents. As a result, a petition on was created as a proactive measure to change this ruling. While it is legal for licensed individuals to open carry firearms on Prince William park property, the concern has been the potential for even more shootings to take place. In addition, some parents have expressed that seeing these weapons could heighten anxieties and release unwanted triggers in those who have been impacted by gun violence in the past.

In 2020, gun violence became the leading cause of death for individuals aged 0 to 19, with more than 110 Americans being victims of gun violence everyday according to On a local level, there have been several incidents of gun violence, and now more voices are speaking out for common sense gun legislation.

For more information on the petition, visit the website.
