Northern Virginia Housing Expo Returns

The 14thAnnual Northern Virginia Housing Expo will be held on Saturday, March 23. The Expo is free and open to the public and will run between 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Charles J. Colgan High School, 13833 Dumfries Road, Manassas.  

Visitors to the Housing Expo will have the opportunity to attend workshops that will provide them with valuable information about the housing market, including:  

  • The ABCs of Credit Scores  
  • Household Budgeting in Expensive Times
  • Getting Ready to Rent or Buy
  • First-Time Buyer and Rental Assistance Programs  
  • Senior Housing Topics
    • Neighborhood Housing Rehabilitation Program
    • Reverse Mortgages
  • Housing Discrimination – Understanding Fair Housing Laws 

“This type of event brings together many housing industry experts in one location to provide and answer questions citizens may have about housing,” said Prince William County Director of Housing and Community Development, Joan Duckett. “This event is held on a Saturday to allow people the opportunity to attend individual workshops based on many housing topics, all of which are important.”   

The Housing Expo will also include dozens of exhibits featuring apartment rentals, government assistance programs, mortgage information and assistance, and home-buying opportunities, as well as lenders who will be on hand to answer questions.  

“Lenders will have information on different loan programs available and information on how to qualify for a mortgage loan,” Duckett said. “The participants will be able to gather contact information, as well as program information for follow-up.”  

Consultants will also be at the Expo for 30-minute one-on-one sessions to help people find out more about what housing choices are right for them, whether they are looking for a place to rent or getting ready to buy a home.  

The Housing Expo is a cooperative effort of Virginia Housing; the counties of Prince William, Fairfax, Arlington, and Loudoun; the cities of Alexandria, Falls Church, and Manassas Park; the Northern Virginia Association of Realtors®; the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments; and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.  

 You can find more information about the Housing Expo at


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