Several people attend Dumfries Expungement Clinic Information Session

A criminal record can become a permanent scarlet letter on an individual’s life, and for many within marginalized communities, it is the barrier that impacts their ability to achieve the American Dream. A record significantly affects an individual’s ability to get a house, job, public benefits, and even occupational licenses. This weekend, there will be an opportunity for some to have their records expunged and get a second chance.

On Saturday, March 19, there will be an expungement clinic held at the Dumfries Rescue Squad on 3800 Graham Park Road from 9am – 1pm. An expungement is a court ordered process in which the legal records of an arrest or a criminal conviction are erased in the eyes of the law. It can be granted when an acquittal, dismissal, or by an absolute pardon if the individual’s name is used in error, wrongful arrest, or an ID used without consent. When a criminal record is expunged, the record is not destroyed but removed from public access for up to three years. After those three years have passed, then the records are destroyed.

Prior to next week’s clinic, which is hosted by Dumfries Vice Mayor Monae Nickerson, Councilwoman Selonia Miles, Commonwealth Attorney Amy Ashworth, Circuit Court Clerk Jacqueline Smith, and the Dumfries Police Department, there was a virtual information session on March 12 which provided details on what attendees can expect at the clinic. More than 100 people attended the session and had their questions answered about the expungement process.

Nickerson spoke with the PW Perspective about the importance of the upcoming clinic, which has been in the works for a few years now but due to the pandemic had to be delayed until now. “This is a major need,” said Nickerson. “Too often, when cases are thrown out and people leave the courtroom, they think that it’s over with. However, the charges are still on their record, which impacts their employment and housing applications, among other things. Our hope is that this clinic is only the beginning of something we’d like to do on a continual basis going forward.”

There will also be translators on hand during Saturday’s clinic, and proceeds will go towards helping the Mid-Atlantic Innocence Project. Visit their website for more information.


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