Councilwoman Neville Presents The Virginia Black Leadership Program

While February is known primarily as Black History Month, this year the second month on the calendar presents a unique opportunity to create leaders of the future. This is what Dumfries Councilwoman Cyndy Neville has created through the Virginia Black Leadership Program. Yesterday she presented an open house for applicants highlighting the program and how it will develop Black leaders within the community.

According to the website, the program’s goals are as follows: “to enhance the tools needed to amplify leadership skills and to prepare participants to be the authentic, purpose driven leaders our communities need. The Virginia Black Leadership program is tailored to meet the unique needs of those “of the diaspora,” who aspire to enhance their leadership, advocacy, and understanding of the Black narrative in Virginia.”

Some of the other anticipated outcomes from the program include:

  • Develop a broader understanding of Black History in Virginia.
  • Develop a deeper knowledge of Black Wall Streets in Virginia
  • Explore and analyze social issues impacting the Black Community.
  • Analyze the “Black Wall Street Mindset.”
  • Explore avenues to advocacy at the state level.
  • Explore how environmental issues have a direct impact on Black Lives.
  • Develop ways to fight with the power of effective policy.

The Virginia Black Leadership Program will consist of monthly seminars from February to July 2021, with a culminating presentation and celebration in August 2021.

Anyone who is interested in applying can access the following link. Applications are due by 5pm on February 10.
