New Children’s Book and Educational Resource Highlighting the Importance of Naming and Representation Released on Amazon

Mother and daughter co-authors, Arrington Conyers and Nadia Conyers, announce the release of their new children’s book titled “From Lee Highway to Langston Boulevard.” The 26-page educational book was written to inform children about the importance and meaning of representation and naming, especially within the African American community in the US.  

Written in simple language that any child can enjoy, the book is entertaining and can be used as a powerful tool for parents to share useful and lifelong lessons with their children. Children will also learn about Congressman John M. Langston, the eponym of Langston Boulevard, and other African American heroes who have made significant contributions to society.

In the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement, many cities in the US were met with a demand to rename and rebrand streets, schools, and other edifices to disassociate from the legacies of their racist past. While having a conversation about the renaming of Lee Highway, the U.S. Route 29 running east-west through Arlington, Virginia, Arrington asked, “Mommy, why are they changing the name of the street and who is John M. Langston?” Arrington’s curiosity triggered Nadia to search online for a book that could help explain what was happening, only to find no books on renaming and representation for children.  

“I was not able to find a children’s book about the importance of representation, so Arrington and I decided to write one,” said Nadia Conyers, co-author of From Lee Highway to Langston Boulevard. “Arrington and I stand on the shoulders of our ancestors, who created what they could not find, and they paved the way for us to be able to write this book.”

Nadia asked Arrington if she was interested in writing a book with her, and she jumped up and exclaimed, “Yes!” From the emphatic yes of a six-year-old, the idea to write “From Lee Highway to Langston Boulevard” was born. 

Co-Authors Arrington Conyers and Nadia Conyers hope that “From Lee Highway to Langston Boulevard” will introduce children to activism and go a long way in building their minds and pride in their communities.  

To purchase the book, please visitFrom Lee Highway to Langston Boulevard
