Morson’s Row in Richmond to be renamed Reid’s Row

Ceremony to be held on Thursday to honor Dr. Ferguson Reid, Sr.

The country’s oldest living civil rights icon will finally be honored for his decades of service to the community on Thursday.

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam has decreed a ceremony to honor Dr. Fergie Reid, Sr. on Thursday where the former Monson’s Row will be renamed Reid’s Row. Due to the recent inclement weather, the ceremony has been moved from Tuesday to Thursday, January 4th.

In 2015, Dr. Reid established “90 for 90,” a voting rights initiative that has helped thousands of Black people in the commonwealth with access to voter registration. To find out more details about the organization, follow their Twitter page.

If you’d like to support Dr. Reid, you can support him by encouraging folks in VA to get out and vote for Jackie Glass in the special election January 11th. Early voting goes until Saturday, you can still register to vote, (even the 17 year olds) and you can help get out the VOTE.
