Leadership Prince William Opens Applications for Emerging Leaders Program

Leadership Prince William is pleased to announce that the Emerging Leaders program is now accepting applications for Fall 2022 cohort. The 8-Session Emerging Leaders Program begins in September with an exciting Orientation meet & greet, then continues with a weekly session through most of November. The sessions are held at the Prince William Chamber of Commerce, each designed to help participants know themselves, increase awareness of critical issues, and connect with community leaders.

The program is led by Jesse Citizen, a Retired Air Force officer, retired federal civilian, and lifelong learner who has served at all levels of the Department of Defense (DoD). An impressive team of instructors supports the programs by sharing insights and inspiring leaders to rise to the challenge of reaching their potential.

The Emerging Leaders Fall 2022 cohort will begin with an orientation on September 19th and will conclude with a graduation ceremony and reception on November 18th.

The deadline for applications is September 9th. Only 18 spots will be available. The program is $500 and fills up fast. The link to find more information is: https://leadershipprincewilliam.org/adult-leadership/emerging-leaders-program/


Committee Perspectives on Panhandling & Safety

by Prince William Office of Community Safety In a continued effort to enhance support for the homeless population, the Office of Community Safety, the Department of Social Services, and H.U.G.S. joined the conversation hosted by the Prince William Committee of 100 to discuss proactive strategies for addressing homelessness and panhandling. The meeting emphasized the commitment […]

Meet the Woman Whose Program Helps Black-Owned Businesses Get Government Contracts

Lori Smith, Founder and CEO of Acu-Elligent LLC, a leading Black-owned business coaching and management consulting firm, has launched a program to help other Black entrepreneurs get access to federal government contracts. Based in Savannah, Georgia, Lori brings over 41 years of invaluable experience in federal service to this groundbreaking initiative. “Our goal with GovCon Revenue […]