Kara Pitek Speaks Out Regarding VA Board of Elections Not Granting Filing Extensions

Prince William County, VA — Kara Pitek, candidate for Delegate for House District 31, spoke out regarding the Virginia Board of Elections disqualification of multiple candidates running for delegate. It was recently announced that three candidates – Richmond City Council member Dr. Michael Jones, Arlington legislative aide and activist Matt Rogers, and Dumfries Town Council member Cydny Neville, were disqualified from running for a myriad of issues concerning campaign filing paperwork.

“It is troubling to me that the Virginia Board of Elections has not granted 10-day extensions to delegate candidates Councilman Dr. Michael Jones, Councilwoman Cyndy Neville, and Matt Rogers,” said Pitek via press release. “In previous election cycles, numerous candidates have received extensions in accordance with VA Code Section 24.2-503 paragraph 3, and it is concerning that three progressive, Black candidates who are all challenging incumbent Democrats are blocked from the ballot.”

“How do we as a party reconcile our fight for increased access to the ballot with restricting that access to candidates running to represent their communities? Why are we afraid of a challenge to the status quo; is that not exactly what we are fighting for as Democrats? The voters of their respective districts should have the opportunity to have their voices heard through the primary process.”

Pitek continues. “I invite my opponents and candidates around the state to join me in calling for the Office of Elections to give Councilman Dr. Michael Jones, Councilwoman Cyndy Neville, and Matt Rogers the opportunity to cure their paperwork and fight for the people of the Commonwealth.”


Committee Perspectives on Panhandling & Safety

by Prince William Office of Community Safety In a continued effort to enhance support for the homeless population, the Office of Community Safety, the Department of Social Services, and H.U.G.S. joined the conversation hosted by the Prince William Committee of 100 to discuss proactive strategies for addressing homelessness and panhandling. The meeting emphasized the commitment […]