Juvenile Justice Parenting Program begins today

JJPP is an eight (8) week class for parents and a seven (7) week class for teens.  Parents are teens are taught in separate classes.

Parents learn skills to guide their teens to be responsible, cooperative, and independent. Parents will learn how to spot risky teen behavior, and how to deter that behavior to prevent court involvement. Parents learn anger management. positive communication and how to navigate the negative and positive sides of social media. Teens learn anger management, the importance of following rules, responsibility, school attendance, effective communication, and how to be respectful to themselves and others. 

The program is from Wednesday, March 8 to Wednesday, April 26. It is from 7:00pm – 9:00pm at 15941 Donald Curtis Drive, Woodbridge, VA.


The Road to Richmond: George Mason University Students Prepare for Mason Lobbies

by Zayd Hamid As the Virginia General Assembly session progresses, George Mason University students are preparing for their annual advocacy day to Richmond on February 12th. Since 2013, they have met with legislators to share their higher education experiences in support of GMU’s priorities. Kaylee Fernandez, the lead student organizer for Mason Lobbies 2025, underscores […]