How to maintain your Self-Care Awareness

As September ends, so does Self-Care awareness Month. But does that mean that your goals of taking care of yourself should end? Absolutely not.

Inner peace is a choice, and many of your habits determine how much peace you experience in your daily life.

Here are a few things you can do to help insure you are choosing inner peace!

1. Focus your attention on those things you can control

2. Spend time in nature

3. Be true to yourself

4. Mind What you Eat

5. Exercise regularly

6. Do Good Deeds

7. Be assertive

8. Avoid trying to change others

It’s important to take care of yourself mentally and physically.

Eat properly, exercise, and be true to yourself. There’s no need to please other people. Be assertive and take control of your life. Avoid chasing after those things that society has determined to be important.

All the accomplishments in the world can’t replace inner peace.

Decide for yourself!

For more tips on how to take care of yourself and have a healthy mind, body, check out My Natural Me and set up a conversation today!


Meet the Woman Building a Network of Black Nurses Revolutionizing Business and Healthcare

Black Nurse Entrepreneurs (BNE), founded by visionary nurse entrepreneur Alvionna Brewster, MSN-Ed, RN in 2015, has recently grown its dynamic community to more than 23,000 African American nurses while providing a safe space for innovation, collaboration, and the pursuit of business success. This vibrant network continues to stand as a testament to the power of […]