Guest Column: How Data Centers jobs will support the economy

According to an article in Virginia Business, data centers are the major driver of economic growth in Virginia, comprising 62% of all new investments, or $6.8 billion, announced by the Virginia Economic Development Partnership in 2021, according to a new report released Thursday.

Here are some of the advantages that a data center will provide the Prince William County region:

·      5,550 operational and 10,230 construction and manufacturing jobs, $1.6 billion in employee pay and benefits and $7.5 billion in economic output in 2021

·     Total impact of about 45,460 jobs, $3.6 billion in pay and benefits, $15.3 billion in economic impact and generated about $174 million in revenue for the state and about $1 billion in local tax revenue.

·        “For every job inside a Virginia data center, there are 4.1 additional jobs that are supported in the rest of the Virginia economy,” states the NVTC’s 2022 Virginia Data Center Report

·      Wages between 2001 and 2020 in the DC Industry grew from $61K to $134K – 120% increase

·     Other private wages during same period saw an increase of 70%

PW Digital Gateway has same connectivity as Ashburn and far exceeds that of Henrico Co. ” Latency is the new Currency”. Every single millisecond counts. Performance is measured by milliseconds.

It’s time for PWC to move forward. We deserve better jobs, schools, parks & a reduced residential tax burdens for all of our residents.

Email your Board of County supervisors and let them know you want to see PWC turn an exclusionary zone into an opportunity zone.

(Editor’s Note: The preceding column expresses the views of Reinvent Prince William County and does not reflect the opinions of this publication or its stakeholders. For more information, please see our “About Us” page.)
