EVENT: Jennifer Carroll Foy & Rep. Lauren Underwood on Black Mortality Rates (5:00 PM)

Join Virginia gubernatorial candidate and former 2nd-District Delegate, Jennifer Carroll Foy, for a virtual town hall on the topic of Black mortality rates tonight at 5:00 PM featuring Rep. Lauren Underwood (D-IL) sponsor of the Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act aimed at fighting the Black maternal mortality rate across America. 

“Today Rep. Lauren Underwood is joining me to discuss the Black maternal mortality crisis. This topic is important to me, as it is to many Black women — I nearly died giving birth to my twin babies because my pain wasn’t believed. This is why as Governor, I will increase funding for the Virginia Maternal Mortality Review Team and increase access to culturally competent care. I hope you will be able to join us at 5:00 PM today for this important conversation about how we can offer solutions at the federal and state level.”

View the live stream here: https://www.facebook.com/JenniferCarrollFoy/posts/1603473996528525


Meet the Candidates: Prospective Democratic Lieutenant Governors Engage with Fairfax

by Zayd Hamid, Contributing Writer On March 6th, Fairfax City Hall hosted several Democratic candidates for lieutenant governor for a forum. Prosecutor Victor Salgado, State Senator Aaron Rouse, Prince William County School Board Chair Babur Lateef, State Senator Ghazala Hashmi, and former Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney gave remarks to several dozen attendees. The first to […]