Entrepreneur’s New Book and Workshop to Teach How to Earn Six-Figures with a Notary Signing Business

Nationwide — Shayna Bell, the Founder and CEO of Mobile Notary Dispatch Services, has now launched book entitled There’s Power in Your Stamp and also a live workshop on January 27th to teach others how to launch a successful notary signing business.

There’s Power in Your Stamp is a comprehensive guide on how to launch and grow a successful notary signing business. This book includes a proven framework for a six-figure notary business. It details an in-depth look at the supplies and equipment you will need to get started. It defines documents you will encounter as a notary in real estate transactions and provides marketing concepts vital to sustaining a profitable notary signing business in your spare time.

Shayna says she was amazed at her success since launching during the pandemic. After joining online notary groups, she realized a need for education on how to start and grow a viable enterprise in this industry. She felt compelled to teach others how to achieve the same kind of success in their own business.

Shayna, on this journey of discovering The Power in Your Stamp, is proof-positive that it can be done.

Register for the live workshop to be held Saturday, January 27, 2024, at www.eventbrite.com/e/notary-and-real-estate-business-workshop-tickets-765630149387

Book Details:
There’s Power in Your Stamp: Comprehensive Guide to Notary Signing Success
ISBN: 978-1-948248-54-9
Format: 6 x 9 Paperback
Genre: Self-Employment; Women in Business
Order a copy at: https://bit.ly/therespowerinyourstamp


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