Entrepreneurs Connecting Virtually through Veterans Grow America and the Rosie Network
The COVID-19 pandemic has temporarily changed the way businesses operate. While more established franchises still function via online services and others remain physically open, for individual entrepreneurs it becomes even more difficult to get noticed during. What this has created, however, is the opportunity for ingenuity and creative concepts to bring entrepreneurs together, which is what Veterans Grow America and the Rosie Network accomplished in a brilliant way.
Veterans Grow America (https://www.veteransgrowamerica.com/) is an organization designed to spotlight how veterans are contributing to America’s economic growth. The Rosie Network (https://www.therosienetwork.com) serves military spouses, transitioning service members and veterans around the globe. Yesterday they hosted the first-ever Virtual Veterans Business Pop Up Event. Similar to the event which the PW Perspective covered in December, it was designed to bring together veterans who have made the transition into entrepreneurship.

Although it was virtual, the set up remained the same. There were online booths that hosted such companies as Queen of Spades Natural Hair Accessories, Green Beret Media, and Brush Diva Creations. Customers could click on the respective company and find anything from hand rolled cigars to home improvement services. The representatives from each company would answer questions and receive purchases as if they were at a regular vendor event.
In addition, there were workshops that provided both instruction and demonstrations. Natasha Hinds, who created Keep Your Hair Headgear (www.keepyourhairheadgear.com) showed how servicewomen can protect their hair by wearing a satin lined headgear with a backless cap. Kelly Smith of Beyond Lettuce (www.beyondlettuce.com) created micro greens in an indoor hydroponic farm. Rob Garcia discussed how veterans making the transition can begin the process of writing their own media platforms for their skillset during his “Design Your Paycheck” workshop. Also, Jai Salters had an astounding interview with Gerald Fisher about how businesses should have insurance to protect their companies during the COVID-19 interruption. Interested parties can set up a meeting with Mr. Fisher at https://meetings.hubspot.com/fishgm562.
So, what was the response to the event being held virtually? We spoke with Tammi Lambert of Virtual Veterans Connect, and she stated “It’s such an innovative idea that allows customers to shop and engage with respective vendors all across the country. I loved the ability to chat with vendors to ask questions about the products of interest, unlike Amazon and Walmart,” Lambert said during our conversation. “They display products and you can have an online discussion with them as they explain the product thoroughly. One of the vendors I especially loved was Ashley Bowers. I loved her representation and attentiveness to the perspective clients. Her beautiful bags and their designs were absolutely adorable. Loved it!”
During this time of the new normal, organizations such as Veterans Grow America have adapted, yet their mission remains the same, and people are still connected as a result.