Encourage Someone

By: Diana McCollough

When you have a loved one in need Assisting them becomes your need What about the gloomy stranger you meet Could you brighten them with how you greet We are all connected 

Each other’s feelings should be respected After all we are neighbors 

Try being the engraver 

Of what is positive 

Be cognizant 

Of another’s mindset 

Help them reset 

Their mood 

Try not to be rude 

When they need kind care 

Go ahead would you dare 

To share 

Your energy 

The synergy 

Can produce a fine thing 

Exactly what’s needed to bring 

Another up and in the process 

You too will be blessed 

For your giving 

What is upbuilding 

Helping another refresh 

Their weariness 

Think of when you were discouraged You sorely needed to be encouraged Needed to be replenished 

Because your spiritedness had diminished

Remember those whose time was spent Making a strong imprint 

Upon your mind 

Their words were the exact kind Needed to get you through those moments Focused on helping you prevent Being excessively overwhelmed It was not anything profound 

But intended to bend 



Background sights and noise 

So you could find your voice 

Stand tall again 

To contend 

With your challenge 

The earth never stands still 

Neither should your desire and will To reach out 

When someone’s heart pouts 

You can be the spout 

From which cooling waters flow To help their inner garden grow 

Their flowers will bloom 

Because you made room 

In your day 

The help them find their way 

You saw a need and did not delay You felt their pain 

And began to rain 

Upon them refreshment 

Knowing they needed encouragement


Facebook–DiNamic McCollough

