Tell Senators to Vote NO Dangerous School Discipline Bill

House Bill 1461 is a discipline bill that will disproportionately impact students with disabilities, students of color, and low-income students. This legislation must be stopped.

TAKE ACTION! Contact the Senators on the Education and Health Committee and TELL THEM TO VOTE NO on this dangerous bill! HB1461 will require the VA Department of Education to establish a uniform system of discipline for “disruptive” behavior. In so doing, it removes local control from district School Boards and puts decision-making in the hands of those who are not familiar with the students, the environment, or other pertinent circumstances. This bill would mandate uniform responses for all students and staff that would not address individual students’ needs nor best practice responses. Further, it would put students with disabilities, students of color, and low-income students at great risk.

Email the Education and Health Committee here and tell them to vote NO on House Bill 1461.

(This message is brought to you by the NAACP Virginia State Conference)


The Road to Richmond: George Mason University Students Prepare for Mason Lobbies

by Zayd Hamid As the Virginia General Assembly session progresses, George Mason University students are preparing for their annual advocacy day to Richmond on February 12th. Since 2013, they have met with legislators to share their higher education experiences in support of GMU’s priorities. Kaylee Fernandez, the lead student organizer for Mason Lobbies 2025, underscores […]