Dumfries officially opens the Biden/Harris/Kaine Coordinated Office for re-election

by John Reid

Earlier on Tuesday, the Democratic National Committee announced plans to hold a virtual roll call to nominate President Joe Biden as their nominee for November’s general election. While that was happening, on a local level supporters from across Northern Virginia came together to celebrate the opening of the Coordinated Office in Dumfries. This will the Prince William County office to focus on re-electing President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and Virginia Senator Tim Kaine.

In what was standing-room only capacity, Democrats from Stafford to Loudoun packed the room and voiced their full support as Tonya James, who led the charge back in 2018 to get Senator Kaine re-elected, began the festivities by declaring “We’re going to send Senator Kaine back to Richmond with old friends and some new friends!”

The host for the evening was 23rd House District Delegate Candi King, who touted the trio’s record of lowering unemployment, improving infrastructure, and helping families recover from the pandemic.

“When we elect Democrats, Democrats deliver,” she said to those in attendance.

Among the elected officials who joined King were House Appropriations Chair Luke Torian, Senators Jeremy McPike (D-29th) and Jennifer Carroll Foy (D-33rd). The keynote speaker for the evening was Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger, who praised the work of the President and his cabinet.

“It’s not just President Biden and Vice President Harris,” she said, “it’s a cabinet of great smart people who are focused on making our people better.”

She also touted the improvements made for infrastructure, and the millions of investments made into Virginia, as well as gun safety legislation, yet emphasized, “There’s more work to be done, which is why we need to re-elect them to continue getting it done.”

Afterwards, she talked with the PW Perspective’s John Reid about being at the opening festivities. “I’m just really excited to be here,” she said. “In politics, there’s a process to it. You have the campaign events, where people come out and talk about the things that matter to them, and what they want to work on. In Prince William County there’s so many extraordinary people who have been elected, and delivered on these results.”

Although she is no longer on the ballot as she prepares for next year’s gubernatorial run, she reflects on the progress of her district. “Being able to turn over the reigns after the June primary to the person who’s going to motivate them, and make them wake up every single day wondering about the ways they can make the community, and country a better place.”

“That is what Senator Tim Kaine has given all of us, from his time at the local, and now state office, running for his third term,” she continued, “that’s the example President Biden and Vice President Harris has given us.”

“When you elect good people, you’ll get good policy.”

She also talked about getting the bipartisan CAST Act, which was reintroduced earlier in the Senate, and its impact on solving the fentanyl crisis. “For me, it’s a proof point,” she said. “It’s something I’m really proud of. It’s an example where we identify a problem, and it’s a legislative proposal we can put forward.”

“This builds upon the work I’ve already done,” she added. “We had the Summer Barrow Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Act. That wouldn’t have become law if not for Senator Kaine hadn’t voted for it as well, and President Biden signed it into law.”

“At the end of the day, running as incumbents, it’s an opportunity to say, because you worked so hard the first time, we were able to do it. Because I’ve work so hard, we can have six more, four more, two more years to do that good work into the future.”

Dumfries Mayor Derrick Wood highlighted having the office in Dumfries and its significance. “Dumfries is becoming that destination place for the Biden-Harris party to go, fight, win,” he said. “We’re excited to jumpstart people getting out and understand the magnitude of this election, to make sure we don’t go backwards.”

“That’s the goal is to finish the job they started. We just received $1 million dollars from the administration for infrastructure building, and that’s important to communities like us.”

“To see these people come to Dumfries,” he continued, “to continue the momentum, it’s exciting. I’m headed to Philadelphia to help Black voters win these elections.”

Shyam Raman, DPVA Executive Director, released this statement to the PW Perspective: “The earliest-ever established coordinated campaign in Virginia is strong and fired up to reelect President Biden, Vice President Harris, Senator Tim Kaine and our other incredible candidates. Under the historic Biden administration, Democrats have delivered for Virginians, and that job has only just begun. We are ready to keep moving forward.”


Meet the Candidates: Prospective Democratic Lieutenant Governors Engage with Fairfax

by Zayd Hamid, Contributing Writer On March 6th, Fairfax City Hall hosted several Democratic candidates for lieutenant governor for a forum. Prosecutor Victor Salgado, State Senator Aaron Rouse, Prince William County School Board Chair Babur Lateef, State Senator Ghazala Hashmi, and former Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney gave remarks to several dozen attendees. The first to […]