Devlin Technology Park & The (Not-So) Silent War on Housing

by Kenny Boddye, Occoquan District Supervisor

With the Devlin Tech Park vote, we mark the rezoning of the final parcel in what could have been Stone Haven, a proposed vibrant town center in Bristow. In talking to concerned community members these past weeks, I have often been asked, “How did we get here?”

The answer stretches back more than a decade and is a stark reminder of what can happen when political incentives and expediency override forward-thinking, people-first land use policies. It is a tale of what happens when housing is demonized and, one by one, planned neighborhoods are swallowed into the abyss of data center development. Here’s more on the history:

  • 2015 – 2019: In a successful strategy to stymie housing development, Supervisor Lawson oversaw a piecemeal rezoning of the former Stone Haven parcels. The majority were included in a newly created Data Center Overlay District. During this time, Amazon, Google, Microsoft and other industry leaders purchased much of the Stone Haven land. What could have been a vibrant, mixed-use destination in Bristow was instead approved to be a massive series of data center campuses adjacent to existing homes and schools. This left only the Hunter and Devlin properties as the major parcels zoned for housing.
  • 2023: The Board was faced with leaving the existing Devlin zoning in place, allowing for new housing surrounded by intense data center use, or adjusting the zoning to allow for less intensive data center use (with 85 acres left as open space next to Chris Yung and Lanier Farms) adjacent to the Data Center Overlay and across the road from existing housing. Tuesday Night’s rezoning puts the Devlin parcel in line with the development pattern that began in 2015, which strategically dismantled the Stone Haven proposal parcel by parcel.

We can’t unwind the legacy of elected officials who fought – and continue to fight – against meeting the housing needs of Prince William County. From data centers where neighborhoods and commerce should be to the skyrocketing cost of living, we are all living with the realities of decades of anti-housing land use policy. Low income communities, communities of color, and other vulnerable communities are particularly hurt by anti-housing policies. However, we can and must make better choices moving forward. It is time to start building a new legacy.

At the end of the day, anti-housing policies are anti-people policies. I can’t think of a land use case that illustrates this more clearly than the cynical dismantling of Stone Haven. I for one will not look away from the lessons of this cautionary tale.

I am ready to explore solutions that better balance the needs for housing and supportive infrastructure while also preserving open spaces. Additionally, I look forward to strengthening our commercial tax base while better managing the proliferation of the data center industry in Prince William County. I hope that you remain engaged in these important community conversations.

(Editor’s Note: This article has been updated to reflect that Patty McKay was the Brentsville Planning Commissioner during the Hunter Property vote.)


Back-to-School Community Event – Registration Open

Sponsored by the Prince William County Community Foundation Greetings, It’s that time of year again! We are preparing for our Back-to-School Community Event.  On Saturday, August 2nd from 11am-2pm, the Foundation, in partnership with the Prince William County Schools, we will host our 5th Annual Back-to-School Community Event at Gar-Field High School in Woodbridge. This […]