Delegate Candi Mundon King filed HB 160 to create ‘Miya’s Law’ – a bill that would  improve tenant safety in apartment buildings. 

In a statement Delegate Mundon King shared, “When I learned of Miya Marcano’s story, like many  across our country and across the world, my family and I prayed for Miya’s safe return. As a mom, aunt,  sister, friend, the story of Miya’s tragic end touched me deeply, and that’s why I have introduced this bill  here in Virginia because no person should feel unsafe in their home. More could have been done to  protect Miya and I stand in support of her family to ensure other young women and apartment tenants  receive the protection they deserve from potentially violent individuals.” 

‘Miya’s Law’ requires a landlord to conduct background screening for all apartment employees. The  background screening must include a national screening of criminal history records and sexual predator  and sexual offender registries. The screening would specifically include criminal offenses involving  violent crimes. The bill also requires landlords to establish written policies and procedures for the  storage and management of master keys and other electronic keys to ensure former employees or  unauthorized users can no longer access them. 

Delegate Mundon King said she’s had several meetings with apartment organizations, Democrat and  Republican colleagues, and other stakeholders in an effort to gain broad support for the bill. “It’s  important to me that the work is done to help relevant decision-makers understand the importance of  Miya’s Law and the role they can play in keeping our communities safe. As lawmakers, we can pass  legislation, but buy-in from businesses and management associations is crucial to ensuring what  happened to Miya, doesn’t happen to others. It hasn’t been easy, but I know that Miya’s Law is needed  and I will continue to have conversations to ensure this bill passes successfully with broad support.” 

Delegate Mundon King is joined by co-patrons Senator L. Louise Lucas (President pro temp), Senator  Mamie Locke, and Delegates Maldonado (chief co-patron), Tran, Kory, Convirs-Fowler, Hayes,  McQuinn, Plum, Price, Rasoul, Scott, and Shin. 

“The strength of Miya’s family to mobilize in the way they did was inspiring to me, but no family should  ever have to do that. My hope is that by picking up the baton here in Virginia to pass Miya’s Law, my  colleagues in statehouses throughout the United States will be challenged to do the same as we all  work to protect our constituents.” Delegate Mundon King introduced the bill last week and it has been  referred to the General Laws Committee. If the bill passes the General Laws Committee, it will head to  the full House of Delegates for a vote.

“The Foundation is thrilled to know that the Commonwealth of VA is interested in protecting tenants and  implementing Miya’s Law. We fundamentally believe that Miya’s Law will bring greater protection and  we celebrate and thank Delegate Candi Mundon King and the other patrons for bringing this bill  forward. We look forward to working with Delegate Mundon King along with any other representatives  that seek to improve safety and fight to ensure that what happened to Miya Marcano doesn’t happen  again” says Jodi Covington- Lewis, Miya Marcano Board Member 

“My daughter’s legacy continues as she is fighting with us to protect others. This is something she did  in life and although our hearts will forever be shattered, we know that protecting and fighting for others  is something that Miya would want us to do’ Says Yma Scarbriel, mother of Miya Marcano and Board  Member of the Miya Marcano Foundation. 

“We are extremely thankful for the support surrounding Miya’s Law. My daughter’s untimely death is  one that I still can’t accept fully, however, knowing that her death will be the catalyst to protect so many,  brings me some comfort. Thank you to everyone, especially Delegate Candi Mundon King for bringing  Miya’s Law forward in the House of Representatives within the State of VA” says Marlon Marcano,  Father of Miya Marcano and Board Member of the Miya Marcano Foundation. 

“It has always been our position that Miya’s Law, although starting in the state of FL, is something that  we hope to see passed nationally. It is encouraging that the state of VA is looking into implementing  Miya’s Law. The aim is to make sure all tenants are adequately protected” says Family Attorney Daryl  K. Washington. 


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