Cydny Neville Speaks Out Being Blocked From the Ballot

Earlier this month, the Virginia State Board of Elections announced that eight candidates failed to qualify for their respective ballots. Among these candidates were three Black progressives who are primarying incumbent Democrats. One of those candidates is Dumfries Town Councilwoman Cydny Neville, who launched a primary challenge to Luke Torian (D-52) in late May.

Neville has been praised as a champion for her community because of the work she has done both as an activist and a member of the town council. Her accomplishments include getting Juneteenth recognized as an official holiday in Dumfries and renaming Confederate Court to Liberty Lane.

In response to the Board of Elections’ decision, Neville released the following statement:

It is time for you to hear my story. There is a lot of misinformation circulating and I need to set the record straight. I turned in all of my paperwork to be on the ballot not only on time but early. The State Board of Elections called me one time, to notify me to send an updated Qualification of Candidacy form, assuring me that I would be on the ballot once that was done. I followed every guideline set out for me in good faith and yet the Board has decided to keep my name from the ballot. The inequities that prevent me from being on the ballot this time are part of a larger, systemic, racist, and classist problem that intended to create artificial barriers for a Black woman like me from power. These inequities may slow me down, but let me be clear, NOTHING can block my power! 

I want you all to know exactly the timeline of events surrounding the March 25th filing deadline:

  • 3/21: My team fully completes all of our paperwork and is ready to file
  • 3/22: I took all of my paperwork to the Prince William Board of Elections, where they made copies of all of my paperwork for filing (never noting anything was wrong) 
  • 3/23: I sent all of my paperwork Certified Mail to the State Board of Elections 
  • 3/25: My paperwork arrives at the State Board of Elections before noon 
  • 3/26: I received a call from the State Board of Elections around 2pm asking me to send an updated Qualification of Candidacy form to ensure I am on the ballot. I send an updated form Certified Mail that day
  • * I do not hear from the State Board of Elections again *
  • 3/31: The State Board of Elections meets to consider a filing extension for candidates who did not submit their paperwork on time. I have not been notified by anyone there that I would not be on the ballot. I was never given a chance to appeal my case. During their meeting, they do not even name me
  • 4/2: I am informed by the Prince William County Democrats that I am not on the ballot. The State Board of Elections never contacted me 
  • 4/5: I reach out to the State Board of Elections asking them to reconsider my case, given that their own office assured me I would be on the ballot
  • 4/6: Chairman Brink informs me that they will not reconsider their decision

This system is clearly broken. The State Board of Elections has an admittedly faulty system in place, has no process for notifying candidates of their status, and they have made a unilateral decision that goes against all precedent they themselves set to keep me off the ballot. I will not be silenced. 

My team and I are working diligently to explore all recourse to be on the ballot, including exploring our legal options. We will keep you updated on when we know our path forward. Thank you all for your support, I am eager to represent you all as the Delegate from the 52nd district.  

Neville’s exclusion from the ballot stands in direct conflict with a decision the Board of Elections made in December 2020 when they granted an extension in the special election in the 2nd District, which neighbors the 52nd. At the time, Bob Brink, Chairman of the Board of Elections, stated that he believes the board should permit candidates to access the ballot as much as possible in order to allow voters to decide.

Brink’s latest decision completely contradicts his past statement. The fact that Neville submitted her paperwork on time and sent in the updated form when it was requested shows that the fault falls on the Virginia Board of Elections.

Neville should be granted ballot access, and the voters should be allowed to choose their own representatives.


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