COVID-19 Forbearance Relief for FHA Borrowers Now Available

Although the CDC has extended the moratorium on evictions through the end of July, time is running out for many homeowners. While the nation is starting to see an economic recovery, far too many homeowners are still behind on their mortgage payments and have not sought help. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) wants to make sure that those who have a Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-insured mortgage and need help, have the information they need to avoid future foreclosure. If you are struggling with payments on your FHA-insured mortgage, it is very important that you contact your mortgage servicer directly. Your mortgage servicer is the entity to which you make your mortgage payments.

You may qualify for mortgage payment relief and assistance. For free advice and help understanding the information and options that may have been sent to you by your mortgage servicer, please contact a HUD-approved housing counseling agency. To find a HUD-approved agency, call (800) 569-4287, or use the online search. Housing counselors are trained to assess your financial situation and explain the options available to you.

More information can be found on HUD’s website:

FHA, which is part of HUD, wants to keep you in your home, but you must act now to avoid future foreclosure. Contact your mortgage servicer or a housing counselor today to get the help you need.
