Conversations in the Community Sits Down with PWC Ombudsman
Haymarket, Virginia – Conversations in the Community will host “A Conversation with Prince William County Schools Ombudsman Mo Bookstein” on Tuesday, March 21st at 7:30 p.m. EST. The conversation will be virtual.
“One of Prince William County School’s four commitments is a commitment to family and community engagement. Effectively engaging with the office of the ombudsman can help parents access valuable information that may be difficult to find or frustrating to navigate alone.
“Parents often know what they are trying to achieve for their student but aren’t sure where to start or how to do it,” said Jennifer Roberts, president, and founder of Conversations in the Community.
Monique “Mo” Bookstein joined Prince William County Schools in January 2022. She formerly served as an ombudsman for the federal government. Bookstein is also a member with the International Ombuds Association and the United States Ombudsman Association for Conflict Resolution.
The 90-minute conversation will consist of a presentation from Ms. Bookstein and a question-and-answer period. Email for the Zoom link.
Conversations in the Community, Inc. is a grassroots, educational advocacy organization headquartered in Haymarket, Virginia. It is committed to engaging parents/guardians, students and community members in dialogue about issues in education with the goal of addressing and resolving them.