Community Vaccination Center coming to Prince William Health District

Community Vaccination Center, or CVC, is a large-scale vaccination clinic that can vaccinate from hundreds to thousands in one day. CVCs were an initiative planned from the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis to support communities when more vaccines were made available.

Beginning next week, a CVC will be arriving in the Prince William Health District. The location is not public yet, but will be made public soon.

According to the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM), health departments and localities have been operating in response mode to the pandemic for a year, and one of the planning assumptions was that once the vaccine was more readily available, the health departments would have to compensate for the many appointments that were to come. VDEM officials say CVC sites are intended to augment the amazing work health departments, pharmacies, healthcare providers, and healthcare facilities across the state have been doing over the past few months to get people vaccinated.

The super-size vaccination clinic is an operation organized by VDEM.  The CVCs are in multiple areas in the state.  These chosen areas have the largest vulnerable populations and areas that have higher rates of COVID-19 illnesses and death.  According to VDEM, these sites were identified using a health equity lens.

Those vaccinated at the CVC will come from the state’s pre-registration list.  If you are not pre-registered, now is the time to get registered.  To register, go to:  VACCINATE.VIRGINIA.GOV or call 1-877-VAX-IN-VA.


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