Chair Pro Tem Selonia Miles as Keynote Speaker at Partners in Policymaking Graduation Ceremony

The Virginia Board for People with Disabilities Partners in Policymaking Program has named Chair Pro Tem Miles as the Keynote Speaker for its 2024 graduation. Chair Pro Tem Miles has served on the Dumfries Town Council since 2018, where she has been a champion for Disability Awareness and Inclusion; Criminal Justice Reform; and eliminating barriers for individuals who have traditionally been marginalized by creating access to opportunities.

Selonia serves as a Board Member for Melwood and the National League of Cities Human Development Federal Advocacy Committee. She is the Vice Chairwoman of the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority‘s Planning Coordinating and Advising Committee, and in 2022 was elected Chair Pro Tem of the Dumfries Town Council.

Chair Pro Tem Miles’s signature achievements include updating police training requirements to include disability response training; expanding free broadband access to all citizens in Dumfries; co-founding the first of its kind Expungement Clinic; and her personal favorite-Autism Appreciation Day.

Partners in Policymaking (PIP) is a training program offered through the Virginia Board for People with Disabilities designed for people with developmental disabilities and their family members to learn advocacy and leadership skills.

PIP participants are talented, highly motivated, and dedicated. There are more than 700 PIP alumni in Virginia who use their knowledge and unified voice to change policies and programs to get people with disabilities the support they need to live their best life.

To learn more about the Partners in Policymaking and the Virginia Board for People with
Disabilities please visit:
