Artist Feature: René Dickerson

René Dickerson was just a boy when his father introduced him to the world of Art in the San Francisco Bay Area. In fact, René’s father loved art so much that he named his son after the famous Belgian artist René Magritte. René’s love of sculptures, paintings, and the performing arts began at an early […]

Small Business of the Day: Oopseez

Each day in February the PW Perspective will feature a Black-owned small business. We’ll feature a quick snapshot of what the business is and how you can reach them. What is it: Oopseez is the membership based application that allows you to conveniently notify our members when their unattended vehicle is preventing you from entering […]

Feature: Art Fundraiser

Today’s Feature: MLK, Jr” by Kelly Haneklau. Original acrylic on wood panel. Museum quality giclee prints available. 50% of art print sales will benefit Jirani Coffeehouse black-owned business in Old Town, Manassas. This campaign is running until the end of the month so please check this out soon! MLK Quote: Injustice anywhere is a […]

As A Woman…Facing Gender Bias in the Workplace

According to Legal Institution Institute, gender bias is defined as, “a person receiving different treatment based on the person’s real or perceived gender identity.” Gender bias has long affected women seeking to gain traction within the corporate world as female employees have struggled with being passed over in regards to promotions and salary increases by […]

Community Comes Together To Support the Homeless

How deeply pervasive is homelessness in Prince William County and its surrounding areas? According to The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG), homelessness is defined as “living in emergency shelter, transitional housing, domestic violence shelters, runaway youth shelters, safe havens, or places not meant for human habitation, such as streets, parks, alleys, abandoned buildings, and […]