What Matters to Young America?

The PW Perspective hosted a forum led by Miss Virginia 2020 Katelyn Page on a variety of topics as the nation heads into the November General Election. The diverse group of youth leaders and advocates discussed such issues as the election, what they are looking for in a presidential candidate, and whether or not the […]

White Supremacy Has No Home in Prince William County

Editor’s Note: The following editorial is written by Occoquan District Supervisor Kenny Boddye, who recently held a town hall on racial healing and justice reform, which you can view here. We thank Supervisor Boddye for his contributions to our community. As of the writing of this post, it will have been 68 days since the […]

Sean Perryman Announces an Exploratory Run for VA Lieutenant Governor

THREAD: I’m excited to share that I’m exploring a run for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia. Over the next few months, I’m looking forward to meeting with people across the Commonwealth to hear about the issues that are important to them. https://t.co/IISMXItOhP — Sean Perryman (@SeanPerrymanVA) July 27, 2020 With that announcement, Fairfax County NAACP President […]

Qasim Rashid tours VA-01 District this Sunday

Qasim Rashid, Democratic Candidate for Congress in Virginia’s 1st District will be traveling around the First Congressional District this Sunday. He will be speaking to constituents at parks in the following cities: Bristow, King George and Fredericksburg. The human rights lawyer, who won a close race in June over Vangie Williams for the Democratic primary, […]

Hala Ayala Announces Historic Run for Lieutenant Governor

In a year of historic firsts, Hala Ayala (D-Prince William) has announced her candidacy for Lieutenant Governor. Ayala is the second candidate to run for the post. Delegate Elizabeth Guzman announced last month her exploratory campaign to run as well for Lieutenant Governor. “There’s a whirlwind happening, and in a Commonwealth as vast and diverse […]

Policy Strategies that actually address Structural Racism

*Cross-posted from Virginia Justice Democrats, co-authored with Alison Symons. George Floyd’s murder wasn’t an accident. Neither was Breonna Taylor’s, Ahmaud Aubrey’s, or Tony McDade. This isn’t just in reference to the deliberate, willful acts of brutality and violence which led to their deaths, either. George Floyd’s murder was made possible by systemic racism woven into […]